Amendments in Service

- Admission to museum, national park, wild life
sanctuary, tiger reserve or zoo
- Admission to exhibition of cinematographic
film, circus, dance or theatrical performance including drama or ballet
- Admission to any sporting event organized by
a recognized sports body where the participating team or individual
represent any district, state, zone or country.
- Admission to award function, concert,
pageant, musical performance, sporting event other than recognized sport
event is exempted from levy of service tax provided consideration is not
more than Rs.500/-

Air Travel Agent:
Domestic bookings
of route for travel by air---- 0.7% of the basic fare
bookings of route for travel by air---- 1.4% of the basic fare
Insurance Service:
First year ---- 3.5% of the gross amount of premium charged
Subsequent Year ---- 1.75% of the gross
amount of premium charged
Money Changing (Forex)
Upto Rs.100,000 ---- 0.14% of the gross amount of currency
exchanged or Rs.35 whichever is higher
Exceeding Rs.1,00,000 and upto Rs.10,
00, 000 ---- Rs.140 + 0.07% of the (gross amount of currency
Exceeding Rs.10,00,000 ---- Rs.770 +
0.014% of the (gross amount of currency exchanged -Rs.10,00,000) or Rs.7,000/-
whichever is lower
4. Service provided by lottery
distributor and selling agent
Where the guaranteed lottery prize
payout is > 80% ---- Rs.8,200/- on every Rs.10 Lakh (or part of Rs.10 Lakh)
of aggregate face value of lottery tickets printed by the organizing state for
a draw.
Where the guaranteed lottery prize
payout is < 80% ---- Rs.12800/- on every Rs.10 Lakh (or part of Rs.10 Lakh)
of aggregate face value of lottery tickets printed by the organizing state for
a draw
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